A recipe for Herb Infusions!!!

Let’s take the word “infusion” out of the cancer clinic and into the backyard with fresh cuts from the herb garden.

Gather Your Herbs: Pretend you're on a grand quest for the "Herbs of Destiny." Dramatically enter your garden (or kitchen), wielding pruners or scissors like a sword, and gather your herbs with great fanfare.

Cut 2-3 ounces of fresh herbs (also know as a “bunch”)

Bring them in and give them a good rinse in the sink

Boil Water: Announce to your audience (real or imaginary) that you’re about to perform "The Boil of Boils!" Get the kettle going and give the water a pep talk like it’s about to run a marathon.

You can use an ordinary cauldron-oops “pot” and you only need 10 oz of water.

The Infusion Dance: Once the water is boiling, do a little jig around the kitchen, chanting a made-up herb-related spell. Extra points for spinning in circles.

Add the Herbs: Slowly and dramatically add your herbs to the water as if you're sprinkling fairy dust. Speak in a mysterious, whispery voice about the magical properties of each herb.

Cover and Steep: Cover the infusion and act like you're guarding it from invisible intruders. Pace around the room, peeking under the cover every so often as if checking on a sleeping dragon.

The Reveal: After steeping for 15-20 minutes, dramatically lift the lid and gasp as if you've discovered a hidden treasure. Declare it "The Potion of Positivity" or some other ridiculous name.

Strain the herbs and compost them

Taste Test: Before sipping, offer the first sip to an imaginary royalty (a fancy chair, a pillow with a crown on it, etc.). Take a sip yourself and make an exaggerated "Mmmmm!" sound, followed by a monologue about how it will change your life forever.

Serve with Style: Pour it into a fancy cup or mug, do a little curtsy or bow, and sip with pinky extended. If anyone is around, offer them some with a flourishing bow.

Enjoy your herb infusion!


Sun Tea Means Never Having to leave the garden.


Fig-get about it