Sun Tea Means Never Having to leave the garden.

Have you ever gone out to the garden because you know no one will follow you out there?

I have a section of the garden that I call the “yoga studio”.

Yoga never happens. There is a hammock and two chairs where Brit and I can sit and have a drink.

It is the perfect spot for sun tea. Have you tried Sun Tea? TBH it is more southern that west coast but with a few herbs from the garden it can really make you feel like you have an excuse to be out there. And maybe, you can invite a few friends for a drink.

No obligation to be this silly but…after cancer it doesn’t hurt to live a little…

The Tea Ceremony: Start by bowing to the sun, thanking it for its mighty rays. Declare the day as “The Great Sun Tea Day” with a booming voice, as if announcing a royal event.

Gathering the Ingredients: Put on your fanciest head scarf or crown, grab your dried herbs, tea bags or loose tea, and march around your garden (or kitchen) like you’re leading a parade. Sing a made-up tea-themed anthem as you gather everything you need.

A jar or pitcher with a cover

2-4 cups Filtered water

A few bunches of your fresh herbs of choice

The Majestic Jar: Hold up your glass jar or pitcher as if it’s the Holy Grail. Whisper sweet nothings to it, telling it how it will soon become the most revered tea vessel in all the land.

Add the Tea: Drop the tea or herbs into the jar with exaggerated precision, like you’re defusing a bomb. After each addition, do a celebratory dance around the garden.

Water Ritual: Slowly pour the water into the jar while making whooshing sounds, as if you’re summoning a magical waterfall. When the jar is full, put on the lid or cover, and give it a little hug for good luck.

Summoning the Sun: Carry the jar around outside with great ceremony, pretending you’re on a quest to find the perfect spot. Maybe sing a chant or perform a sun dance to coax the sun out (even if it’s already shining).

The Sunbath: Place the jar in a sunbeam and stand next to it, arms outstretched, soaking up the sun’s rays as if you’re powering up. Encourage the tea to “absorb the power of the sun” in your most mystical voice.

Time Passing Rituals: While the tea is brewing, perform random silly rituals to “help” the process. Maybe you can serenade the jar with a song, do some yoga poses next to it, or even tell it a funny story.

The Grand Unveiling: After a few hours, usually 4-6 depending on your taste return to the jar with a dramatic gasp. Slowly lift it up like a trophy, announcing to the world (or just your neighbors) that “The Sun Tea is Complete!”

Taste of Victory: Pour yourself a glass with a royal flourish. Before drinking, offer a toast to the sun, the tea, and yourself for this epic, silly journey. Take a sip, then proclaim it the best sun tea in the universe.

Now, enjoy your sun tea with a smile, and maybe a shot of brandy.


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